
Can you train as a Forest School Leader? YES YOU CAN!

Many of the people who would like to become Forest School Leaders and dream of being able to work in this way with children are most anxious about the level and quantity of written work needed. So what can we do about this.

Firstly, to feel anxious about the written work is completely normal! Many of the people we meet on our training haven’t had to write assignments in a very long time! What are the common worries?

  • I won’t know what to do
  • Everyone else will find the written work easier than me
  • I won’t understand the assignments
  • How on earth am I going to find the time!
  • The tutors will think I am stupid

FSLI consistently achieve 90% of our students achieving their Forest school leaders award within 1 year from starting.


Every student has an individual tutor who marks their work and supports them all the way through the training

We start setting assignments on day one of your training, we know that if students can be given enough confidence to have a go at assignments while we are seeing them regularly, they will be motivated by our feedback to carry on with assignments

One of the main principles of Forest school ethos is that everything we do with children should be a small achievable task. We transfer that ethos to our training and set our assignments as small achievable tasks in this way as well.

Remember that at least 2/3rds of the training is related to implementing Forest school in your setting with our support, so it relates to the practical elements as well. Some of our students fully complete their award in 6 months whilst others take longer, maybe because they coming to the training at a very different starting point, some people already have a site, or maybe someone in their setting is already trained, and as we are training adults with lives and families sometimes life throws one of its problems at you and Forest School Training has to take a low priority. We work with all of these problems.

Remember our job is to support you in the studies, implementation and achievement of your Forest School award.

Don’t let your worries hold you back from beginning your Forest School Training – speak to a member of our team today to discuss how our courses can work for you.


For more information please contact us – call 01242 602476 or alternatively email

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